Gears of war ultimate edition forums
Gears of war ultimate edition forums

gears of war ultimate edition forums

That kind of thing adds a lot of replay value for anybody who is big on unlocking new stuff. Plus, there’s lots of potential for The Coalition to continue adding skins via updates either around specific holidays & events, or with each group of maps released. I don’t want to see the skins get bogged down behind microtransactions, so as long as I get a chance at at least a few skins through a night of play I’ll be happy. I think they’re taking a good route by adding lots of different weapon camos (and, theoretically, player skins) as ‘pack drops,’ which will be great unless the ingame earn rate is really low. I have been purposefully trying not to read up on too much information so as to keep myself a bit surprised. I went digital for this one, since it’s a Play Anywhere title that way if my wife wants to play something on the Xbox or use it to watch TV she can do so, and I will simply play my game on my W10 PC which is about seven feet away from the TV. I’m really excited for Gears, and I’m hoping to get to play with forum people when possible. I’m bad at center screen shooting, even though I enjoyed UE a lot. Now I am having a hard time just using the shot gun around corners.Īre you talking about the GoW 4 beta gnasher? it feels a litlle slower to the one in GoW 3 (maybe because of the cool down in the cover system wallbounce). I did like the GoWJ variation of that rifle, but I dind’t like that game multiplayer used to be decent at Gears 2. Also the enforcer (is that the name?) seems good. We still don’t know what changes will the hammerbust have.

gears of war ultimate edition forums gears of war ultimate edition forums

Ranking vs a team of rapid fire players was a frustrating experience (I’ve heard that when some players faced these teams they would all pick retrolancers to balance a bit). The real problem were the players that modified their pads to have rapid fire, “the lasers” would down you before you could ask what happened. As Tiger Spirit said: the rifle itself wasn’t a problem, because rifles were op in that game. Maybe because back in GoW 3 was very good. It seems very fun! Hammerburst currently feels worthless to me Oh, and Dodgeball is fantastic, it makes clutch situations EPIC! I don’t mind the sawed- off much because it did what it had to do (training wheels for many players, myself included) but the retrolancer was just evil. If you were lucky a retro charge would down people in no time, but if you suffered any kind of rollback you would just tickle them. The only porpouse of that horrible weapon was to be a counterpick vs the skilled gnasher players at medium/close distance. Maybe three days after I’ll be back home to try it biggest wonder, I’m starting to get hype about GoW!4 =D ! I don’t know when I’ll be able to play it since I won’t be around my X1 when itcomes out.

Gears of war ultimate edition forums